Prof. Dr. Egbert Ballhorn

Phone (+49)231 755-2865
Fax (+49)231 755-6218
Postal address
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44227 Dortmund
Campus address
Campus Nord
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
Room 2.308
Dr Egbert Ballhorn has been a Professor of Theology and Exegesis of the Old Testament in the Department of Catholic Theology at TU Dortmund University since 2012. His research focuses on the Theology of the Psalter, the Book of Joshua and the Book of Baruch although he also works on the Bible and Liturgy and the Biblical Pastoral Ministry. In 2016, he was a Visiting Lecturer for the Theological Study Year in Jerusalem and in 2017, a Fellow of the Theologisches Forschungskolleg Erfurt. He is the Vice Chairman of the “Katholisches Bibelwerk” Association and was involved in revising the “standard translation” (Psalter). Egbert Ballhorn became an undergraduate at the University of Bonn in 1988, studying Theology and Chemistry and concluding with a Diplom and state examination. In 1990/91, he participated in the Theological Study Year in Jerusalem, and completed both his doctorate and his habilitation in Bonn in 2000 and 2010 respectively. From 2002-2012, he was a Lecturer in Biblical Theology in the Diocese of Hildesheim.
Teaching and research area
Professorship for Exegesis and Theology of the Old Testament
You can find a detailed literature list here.