Prof. Dr. Beate Kowalski

Phone (+49)231 755-2863
Fax (+49)231 755-6218
Postal address
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44227 Dortmund
Campus address
Campus Nord
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
Room 2.419
Beate Kowalski is Professor of Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament at TU Dortmund University (since 2008).
From 1984-1990 she has studied Catholic Theology, History and Education/Philosophy at the Ruhr-University Bochum followed by a theological dissertation in 1995 on “The Good Shepherd Discourse (John 10:1-18) in the Context of John’s Gospel” (Bochum) and a Habilitation on 2003 on “The Reception of the Prophet Ezekiel in the Revelation of John” (Innsbruck).
As lecturer / full time professor she has taught at the Universities of Bochum (1990-1995), Koblenz (2006-2008), Limerick (2004-2006), Munich (2002-2003), Paderborn (2003-2004), Passau (2004) and Siegen (1996-2000); she has been a Junior Fellow of the Catholic University of Louvain (2000-2002). As visiting (Erasmus) professor she has given lectures in Birmingham (2016; 2017), Jerusalem (2005; 2006), Malta (2018), Trichur (2015) and Warsaw (2009).
Her research interests are Biblical Intertextuality (including methodological reflections), the Gospel of John, the Revelation of John, and Intercultural Exegesis and Hermeneutics. She has published internationally on a wide range of topics. Current international research projects include the “Reception of the Exodus Motifs in Jewish and Christian Literature” (DFG project) and “Salvation in a Crisis-Ridden World. Intercultural Theological Perspectives”.
Teaching and research area
Professorship for Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament
Erasmus Coordinator
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